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2024-02-01 20:31:17
美[prɪdɪkətɪvli]  英[prɪdɪkətɪvli]
adv.  断然地;肯定地


  1. occurring within the predicate phrase;

    "predicatively used adjectives"


  1. I can predicatively say : No noe! 我可以肯定地说,没有。
  2. I am afraid I can not tell you predicatively when will I come. 我不能肯定地告诉你我什么时候来。
  3. In spite of doing good not for the intended receipt, we predicatively are not inclined to grief. 虽然好心做好事并不是为了有好报,但也不至于招来恶报吧,那样的话,我们就太委屈了。
  4. In order to help coking and chemical enterprises to extract themselves from their predic... 最后对焦化企业如何摆脱当前困境,提出了一些设想和建议。
  5. Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonic can be used in latent period as a screen test to predic the fetus distress. 两组比较,宫缩期及间歇期各项指标有差别,为诊断胎儿窘迫的筛选方法。
  6. Very good agreement was found between predic ted and experimentally measured wire surface temperatures. 模型计算结果与现场实测结果基本一致。