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2024-02-01 21:05:17
美[priːemfəsɪs]  英[priːemfəsɪs]
n.  频应预矫(预修正;预加重;预先加强)


  1. This study describes the application of the feedback linearization neural networks, known from neural network computing, to the problem of gradient preemphasis. 本研究应用线性迴归类神经网路于梯度磁场的系统参数调整,这种方法不需要重覆量测与调整,因此所需时间非常短。
  2. A comparison is made between the optimized preemphasis network dwelled upon in the documents of AIAA 7 th Communications Satellite Systems Conference (1978) and the above mentioned. 文中对AIAA 7th Communications Satellite SystemsConference(1978)有关文献中论及的最佳预加重网络也作了一些比较。
  3. A Digital Preemphasis Gradient Waveform Generator for Magnetic Resonance Imaging 一种具有数字预加重的磁共振成像梯度波形发生器
  4. preemphasis circuit 预加重电路,预校正电路
  5. preemphasis filter 预加重滤波器