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2024-02-01 21:39:16
美[ˌpriːfɪgjəreɪʃən]  英[priːfɪgjʊreɪʃən]
n.  预示;预表;预想


  1. an example that prefigures or foreshadows what is to come
  2. the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand


  1. God tell the prefiguration that Christ recur in the New Testament. 现在的新约上帝又给了预表,基督再来。
  2. The new doctrine God granted is just to achieve the prefiguration of Christs recurrence. 今天上帝赐下的新道,就是要成就基督再来的预言。
  3. Then the paper points out that we need to study other countries’ regulation of the voluntary confession rule.Then it integrates the rule’s reality and prefiguration. 然后指出要具体分析我国国情的借鉴其他关于口供任意性规则的规定,将该规则的现实性与可预见性有机相结合。
  4. Keywords digital data;software;seismic prefiguration database; 数字化数据;软件;地震前兆数据库;
  5. The Analysis to the Fiscal Risk Prefiguration Model for the Enlisted Companies 上市公司财务危机预警模型的实证研究
  6. The management and application of ADP digital seismic prefiguration database ADP数字地震前兆数据库的管理和使用