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2024-02-01 21:49:17
美[priːfrʌntəl]  英[priːfrʌntəl]
adj.  前头叶的;前额骨的
n.  前额骨


  1. anterior to a frontal structure;

    "a prefrontal bone" "prefrontal lobes"


  1. The first such technique was the prefrontal lobotomy. 该科的第一个手术方法为前额叶脑叶切开术。
  2. Stuss and Shammis most humorless patients had a damaged area in the frontal lobe known as the medial ventral prefrontal cortex. 斯特斯和谢米所研究的那些最没有幽默感的病人,其脑前叶的受伤位置就在一个叫做“脑前叶下腹中轴皮层”的地方。
  3. Does gender play a role in functional asymmetry of ventromedial prefrontal cortex? 性别是否在额前正中皮质功能的不对称性中起作用?
  4. At the same time, many studies showed that BPD patients had deficits on neurocognitive tasks considered sensitive to prefrontal dysfunction. 许多研究认为边缘型人格障碍患者具有独特的认知风格,并存在显著的神经认知功能损害,特别是执行功能损害。
  5. The search begins in the prefrontal cortex, where neurons process the goal "find keys". 寻找过程发端于脑额叶前部皮层,由这里的神经元处理“找钥匙”这个目标。
  6. Prefrontal lobe cortex dopamine D1 receptors mRNA expression increased in rats of DOI-induced head-shakes. DOI诱导的Tourette综合征动物模型大鼠前额叶皮层多巴胺D1受体基因表达增高。