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2024-02-01 22:10:17
美[priːhɪstɒrɪkl]  英[priːhɪstɒrɪkl]
adj.  史前的


  1. belonging to or existing in times before recorded history;

    "prehistoric settlements" "prehistoric peoples"


  1. Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then. 醉心写作已成为乾隆年间的事了。
  2. In prehistorical times, Yao, Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi. 上古时代,尧、、都曾在山西境内建都。
  3. In prehistorical times,Yao,Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi. 上古时代,尧、舜、禹都曾在山西境内建都。
  4. Survey of prehistorical seas was based upon stars and land and sea points. 史前海域之测量方法是利用星辰和设立陆、海域标点作为定方位的依据。
  5. Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings. 科学家们常常不能精确地鉴定考古或史前期发现的日期。
  6. This book has 17 chapters: Chapter one: the hard work of prehistorical ancestors. 本书共分17章,1.;史前先民的艰苦创造。