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2024-02-02 00:33:16
美[priːˌpʌblɪkeɪʃən]  英[priːpʌblɪkeɪʃən]
adj.  正式出版(日期)前的


  1. The marketing department was amazed by the number of prepublication orders. 市场部对在正式出版前收到的订单数量感到很惊讶
  2. ISBN: 0975914626.The book is the prepublication edition of the book. ISBN: 0975914626.;这是这本书正式出版前的版本。
  3. bring attention to 引起注意,使关注
  4. The program directed the computer to accept prepublication copies of physics papers automatically and to send out e-mail abstracts of the papers. 这个程式会指示电脑自动接收物理学论文的预印本,并以电子邮件送出论文摘要。
  5. The study conclusions, released from prepublication embargo by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) at 5:00 PM on April 1, 2009, were dramatic. 至2009年4月1日下午5:00点,这项研究的结论被新英格兰医学杂志(NEJM)从预发表的禁止期到发表,是戏剧性的。
  6. This has fuelled allegations that prepublication leaks of parts of it were politically motivated.The government has denied this. BJP因此指控报告部分内容在宣布前即遭泄露是出于政治目的,但印度政府对此予以否认。