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2024-02-02 02:05:16
美[ˌpreʃəraɪzeɪʃn]  英[ˌpreʃəraɪzeɪʃn]
n.  增压(压紧;压力输送)


  1. Without engine power, the pressurization system had failed. 由于没有引擎的动力,密封系统失灵了。
  2. Replaced L outboard brake ASSY,pressurization check OK. 更换左外刹车组件,增压检查正常。
  3. Results:The control group had 11 patient whose blood pressur... 结论麻醉诱导期可以通过适度的刺激调节人体应激反应维持麻醉平衡。
  4. The seal box provides over pressurization protection for the absorber. 密封箱还起着对吸收塔过压保护的作用。
  5. Oxygen containers are equipped with pressure-relief devices to protect from over pressurization and possible rupture. 氧容器装备有减压装置,以便在过压和可能的破裂时保护容器。
  6. Application of high pressurization to fish meat: Changes in physical properties of carp skeletal. 高压在鱼类食品的应用:鲤鱼骨骼物理特性的变化。