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2024-02-02 02:23:16
美[prɪzʌmpʃn]  英[prɪzʌmpʃn]
n.  推测;可能性;冒昧;放肆;[法律]推定


  1. an assumption that is taken for granted
  2. (law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed
  3. audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to;

    "he despised them for their presumptuousness"

  4. a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming;

    "his presumption was intolerable"


  1. I dont think thats a false presumption.我认为那并不是错误的推测。
  2. On this presumption, she stopped at noon at a neat farm-house, to rest herself.在这种推测下,到了正午时分,她便在一间整洁的农舍前停下来歇一歇脚。
  3. It is not presumption on my part.在我这方面不算冒昧。
  4. Please pardon my presumption in writing to you.请原谅我很冒昧地写信给你。
  5. The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy.版权和隐私问题同样可获得无罪的推定。
  6. There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.有一个有力的根据足以推定他们所讲是真实的。