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2024-02-02 03:52:17
美[prɪk]  英[prɪk]
v.  刺;扎;竖起;受责备
n.  扎;刺;刺痛;<俚>蠢人
  过去式:pricked  过去分词:pricked  现在分词:pricking  第三人称单数:pricks


  1. 刺,扎,戳
  2. 刺痛,感到刺痛;扎痛;刺伤;使感到刺痛
  3. 用刺痕标出,圈选
  4. 驱使,驱策
  5. 追踪
  6. 耸峙
  7. <古>用靴刺驱马,(用刺棒)驱赶
  8. 驰骋,策马前进
  9. 戳穿,扎穿
  10. 被刺
  11. 刺激
  12. 使痛心,使受责备
  13. 变酸,发酸
  14. 竖起(耳朵)
  15. 扎破(皮肤),刺破(皮肤)
  16. 唤醒良心,受到良心谴责
  1. 刺,扎,锥
  2. 刺痛,扎痛;刺伤
  3. 刺痕,刺孔
  4. 悔恨
  5. 刺点
  6. 尖形器具
  7. 突出尖形器官,突出的器官
  8. 【音】符点
  9. 责备
  10. 靶心
  11. 野兔的足迹
  12. 踢马刺,刺棍
  1. 竖起的
  2. 听着的


  1. vt. 刺,扎,戳 make a little hole or holes in the skin or surface of sth with a sharp-pointed object
  2. vt. & vi. 刺伤,刺痛;使剧痛 hurt with a sharp point or points;cause sharp pain to
  3. vt. & vi. (使)觉得刺痛 (cause to) feel sharp pain (in a part of body)
  1. [C]刺痛 a small sharp pain
  2. [C]刺孔,刺痕 a small mark or hole made by pricking


  1. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
  2. a depression scratched or carved into a surface
  3. obscene terms for penis
  4. the act of puncturing with a small point;

    "he gave the balloon a small prick"

  1. make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn;

    "The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample"

  2. cause a stinging pain;

    "The needle pricked his skin"

  3. raise;

    "The dog pricked up his ears"

  4. stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
  5. cause a prickling sensation
  6. to cause a sharp emotional pain;

    "The thought of her unhappiness pricked his conscience"

  7. deliver a sting to;

    "A bee stung my arm yesterday"


  1. The thorns of roses prick rather badly.玫瑰刺刺得很痛。
  2. I am afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood.我恐怕不得不刺破你的手指,取一滴血。
  3. She pricked herself on a needle.她被针扎了一下。
  4. The rabbit stopped suddenly, pricking up its ears.兔子突然停下来,竖起自己的耳朵。
  5. My conscience pricked me.我受良心责备。
  1. The needle left a prick in the tailors finger.裁缝的手指上有个针扎的孔。
  2. I gave my finger a prick with a needle.我的手指叫针给扎了一下。
  3. The needle went into my hip with a prick.针一下刺进了我的臀部。
  4. You will feel a tiny prick in your arm.你会觉得胳膊上有一点点刺痛。
  5. I still feel a slight prick in my arm.我仍然感到臂上有一点轻微的刺痛。