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2024-02-02 04:41:17
美[prɪmətɪvli]  英[prɪmətɪvli]
adv.  最初地;自学而成地


  1. with reference to the origin or beginning
  2. in a primitive style or manner;

    "rather primitively operated foundries"


  1. Another is primitively for horses hoof Dutch. 另一个原始属为马蹄荷属。
  2. Im afraid sth have been primitively programmed. 我们能做的恐怕只有释怀。
  3. In June something primitively English was thoroughly upset. 琼心里的那种原始的英国气息被彻底搅动了。
  4. Primitively,my free time isnt like now in my heart. 好早就想用英语写点东西了。
  5. We aim to make you a natural and primitively simple house with our excellent handcrafts and materials. 希望我们古典的风格、精细的手工技艺和优质的材料,能为您营造出一种自然、古朴的家居情调。
  6. Local anomalies are got in subtracti ng regional anomaly from primitively observed data. 它比经常用来划分区域异常与局部异常的方法-趋势分析方法有许多优点。