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2024-02-02 05:18:16
美[prɪnt]  英[prɪnt]
v.  印刷;出版;打印;铭刻
n.  印刷字体;版画;印刷;印记;印刷物;印花
adj.  印刷的
  过去式:printed  过去分词:printed  现在分词:printing  第三人称单数:prints


  1. 印花样于
  2. 印,印刷,【计】打印
  3. 出版,发行
  4. 打上(印记等),留印记(或痕迹)于
  5. 铭记,铭刻
  6. 用印刷体写
  7. 从(底片)印像,晒印
  8. 从事印刷工作,做印刷工,使用印刷机
  1. 印刷字体
  2. <美俚>指纹
  3. 印刷,印刷业
  4. 印刷品,出版物
  5. 印刷术
  6. 印花布,印花布服装,印花布制品
  7. 印痕,印迹
  8. 新闻纸,白报纸
  9. 图章,印章,戳子,印模
  10. 蓝图
  1. 出版物的,为出版物写作的


  1. [U]印刷字体 letters, words, numbers, etc. in printed form
  2. [C]印成的图画,图案,版画 picture or design made by printing from an inked surface
  3. [C](由底片印出的)照片 photograph printed from a negative
  1. vt. 印刷,出版 make a book, magazine, etc. by means of pressing letters or pictures onto paper
  2. vt. & vi. 用印刷体写 write with separated letters like those used in printing rather than joined together as in handwriting
  3. vi. 冲洗(照片) (of a photograph) be produced from a negative film or plate; (of a plate or film) produce a picture


  1. the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication;

    "I want to see it in print"

  2. a picture or design printed from an engraving
  3. a visible indication made on a surface;

    "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks" "paw prints were everywhere"

  4. availability in printed form;

    "weve got to get that story into print" "his book is no longer in print"

  5. a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
  6. a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
  7. a printed picture produced from a photographic negative
  1. put into print;

    "The newspaper published the news of the royal couples divorce" "These news should not be printed"

  2. write as if with print; not cursive
  3. make into a print;

    "print the negative"

  4. reproduce by printing


  1. come to the print付印
  2. correct the print校正印刷品
  3. go to the print付印
  4. put sth to the print把…付印
  5. read small print读很小的印刷字体
  6. send sth to the print把…付印
  7. silence the print使新闻界缄默
  8. subsidize the print资助报刊出版
  9. supply the print with news为报社提供消息
  1. cheap print三流新闻
  2. daily print日报
  3. fine print小字体
  4. large bold print粗大的字体
  5. monthly print月刊
  6. periodical print期刊
  7. weekly print周刊
  1. colour print彩色照片
  2. finger prints指纹
  1. print a lecture印刷讲稿
  2. print a scandalous allegation让造谣中伤的言论披露见报
  3. print advertisements印广告
  4. print books出版书籍
  5. print ones address用印刷体写清楚自己的地址
  6. print ones name用印刷体写清楚自己的名字
  7. print 10,000 copies印1万册
  8. print the posters印海报
  1. according to the print根据报刊
  2. at print在印刷中
  3. in print在印刷中
  4. freedom of the print出版自由
  5. off the print印刷完毕
  6. man on the print新闻记者
  7. on the public prints在报刊上
  8. a book out of print不再出版的书
  1. print beautifully印刷精美
  2. print exquisitely印刷得精美
  3. print handsomely印得精美
  4. print lightly留下浅浅的印迹
  5. print neatly印刷得整洁
  6. print privately私自印刷
  1. print from type活字印刷
  2. print in English用英文出版
  3. print in italics斜体印刷
  4. print of London life伦敦生活的画片
  5. print on good paper用优质纸印刷
  6. print with capital letters用大写字母印刷


  1. How many copies shall we print from the negative?用这张底片我们要印多少张相片?
  2. His second book is already in print.他的第二本书已出版。
  3. He founded his own press to print them.他自己成立印刷厂出版这些书。
  4. This printer can print 40 pages in a minute.这台打印机一分钟能打印40页。
  5. During that time, the radiation diffused across short distance scales, smearing the fine print in the microwave background sky.在这期间,辐射在短距离尺度上四处漫射,模糊了铭刻在微波背景天空上的细微印记。
  1. The print is too small for me to read without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清。
  2. The printmaking would lose direction if print artists have no skill interests in creation.版画家脱离技术趣味进行创作时,版画创作就没有了方向感。
  3. This boundary is like the outer circumference of the Escher print or the surface of the solid cylinder I considered earlier.这个边界就类似艾雪版画的外缘或者前面提过的圆柱体的表面。
  4. Her first novel is out of print now but you may find a second-hand copy.她的第一部小说现已绝版,不过你可以找本旧的。
  5. The thief had left his prints on the handle.小偷在把手上留下了指纹。
  6. He assures to us that we will get the blue print in time.他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。
  7. The sofa was adorned with a gay print slipcover.沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。
  8. He was standing in his print shirt and his waistcoat in front of his shop, which looked into the street.He saw Alpatitch, and went up to him.身穿背心和印花衬衫的费拉蓬托夫,站在面临大街的面粉店的傍边,他看见了阿尔帕特奇,便向他走过去。
  1. Headlines are written in large print.标题是用大号字体印刷的。
  2. I closed up the space between the lines of print.我使印刷的行距靠紧些。


    print的基本意思可指印刷品,即印成的“图画,图案,版画等”或由底片印出的“照片”,是可数名词。 print也可表示“印刷字体”,是不可数名词。 print还可表示“印痕,痕迹”,是可数名词; 表示“指纹”时,常用作复数形式。
    print用作动词的基本意思是“印刷,印制”“发表,出版”,主语通常是人,但有时也可以是物,有时可用newspaper, magazine, paper等。 print也可指“用印刷字体书写”。用于比喻, print还可表示“铭刻”等。 print可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。