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2024-02-02 06:50:17
美[ˌprɒbləmætɪk]  英[ˌprɒbləmætɪk]
n.  (尤指污染、城市衰败、资源匮乏、通货膨胀等影响发达工业国的)相互关联的问题群


  1. It is sciential problematique of "an anti-humanism in theory" after "rupture". 而在“断裂”之后,则属于“理论反人道主义”的科学问题式。
  2. Marxians thought is ideological problematique of theory of humanitarianism before "rupture". 在“断裂”之前,马克思的思想属于人道主义理论的意识形态问题式;
  3. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Chinese mind has been largely preoccupied with the problematique of China-versus-the-West. 二十世纪之初以来,中国思想界一直不能摆脱中国对上西方的诸多问题;
  4. In the past 30 years, the conservation of natural environment comes to the fore as a global problematique for the distribution of energy and for the vital of human race. 二十世纪末,人类已从过去三十年间的环境生态与能源危机等严重的全球性问题,体认到环境保护的重要性与迫切性,科学技术领域已陆续表现出对此议题的关切想法与态度。
  5. Place marketing;An integrated public affair management (PAM);Framework;Interactive management (IM);Problematique;Citizen conference 关键词:公共事务管理整合参考架构;地区行销;互动管理;澄题结构;公民会议