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2024-02-02 08:36:16
美[prəfænəˌtoʊrɪ]  英[prəfænətərɪ]
adj.  亵渎的;沾污神圣的


  1. profaning or tending to desecrate


  1. The netizen call this group " profanatory close affection " . 有网友称这一行为“亵渎了亲情”。
  2. Woman not should him oversight, more not should optional profanatory beauty. 女人不应该忽略自己,更不应该随意亵渎漂亮。
  3. Xilake to Bulumate Jewish graveyard meets with profanatory feel special astonish and give the strongest condemnation. 他讲::"我用国家的名理,向一切有关家廷和法国的犹太人社团示意慰劳和赞同。"
  4. Their political bias, their culture is proud, and they are profanatory to what give birth to order value, what how should face conscience is torturous! 他们的政治偏见,他们的文化傲慢,以及他们对生命价值的亵渎,该如何面对良知的拷问!
  5. Fundamental principle of marriage is faithful, change wife have violate faithful principle, like one-night standing, extramarital love, it is profanatory to a kind of marriage. 婚姻的基础原则是忠诚,换妻有违忠诚原则,像一夜情、婚外恋一样,是对婚姻的一种亵渎。
  6. Netizens think generally, "Martian article " be pair of Chinese characters is profanatory, the inheritance harm bandit of traditional to the Chinese nation character is shallow. 网友们普遍认为,“火星文”是对汉字的亵渎,对中华民族传统文字的传承危害匪浅。