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2024-02-02 09:27:17
美[ˌproʊdʒesteɪʃənəl]  英[prəʊdʒesteɪʃənl]
adj.  怀孕前的;妊娠前的


  1. of or relating to progesterone (or to a drug with effects like those of progesterone)
  2. preceding and favoring gestation; of or relating to physiological changes associated with ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum


  1. Progestational hormone. Estrogen is very low, can be this treated? 孕激素.;雌激素都很低,这能治好吗?
  2. Any of various substances having progestational effects; a progestin. 黄体内泌素有怀孕前效果的物质;孕激素
  3. Any of various substances having progestational effects;a progestin. 黄体内泌素有怀孕前效果的物质;
  4. A natural or synthetic progestational substance that mimics some or all of the actions of progesterone. 孕激素天然或人工妊娠素物质,其模仿黄体荷尔蒙的部分或全部活动
  5. A progestational hormone,C20H26O2,similar in effect to progesterone,used especially in oral contraceptives. 炔诺酮合成的避孕激素,C20H26O2,类似黄体酮的药效,尤其用作口服避孕药。
  6. The process is here medium, corpus luteum begins to secrete the progestational hormone that has gravid effect. 在此过程中,黄体开始分泌有妊娠作用的孕激素。