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2024-02-02 10:31:16
美[ˌproʊlɪgɒmənən]  英[ˌprəʊlegɒmɪnən]
n.  序言(前言;绪论)
  形容词:prolegomenous  名词复数:prolegomena


  1. a preliminary discussion inserted at the beginning of a book or treatise


  1. The main content of this thesis are six parts.The first one is prolegomenon. 本论文的主要内容为:第一部分是导论,对选题进行题解,回顾学术史并简要介绍本论文的概况。
  2. Beside the introduction, prolegomenon and the epilogue, the whole essay divided into three chapters. 文章除了引言、绪论、结语等部分外,正文的主体结构分为三章。
  3. Chapter 1 is the prolegomenon, in this part, introduced the research background and the meaning of choosing thesis. 第一章是本文的绪论部分,介绍了论文的研究背景及选题的意义。
  4. The first chapter is a prolegomenon, it introduces the background, meaning, researching route and meathod of this paper. 第一章是绪论,主要介绍了本文的背景、选题意义、研究思路和方法。
  5. In prolegomenon this paper summarizes ethnological viewpoints, Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint is narrated in the following four parts. 论文的绪论部分概述了民族观,后分四个章节叙述孟子民族观。
  6. Prolegomenon part of the article introduces supercapacitor characteristics, application situation, system profile and the work done by the author. 绪论部分介绍了超级电容的结构特点、现状和应用情况,介绍了整个系统概况,并对作者所做的工作给予说明;