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2024-02-02 10:47:16
美[prəlɪfɪkəsɪ]  英[prəlɪfɪkəsɪ]
n.  出产力;生产力;多产


  1. the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth;

    "he praised the richness of the soil" "weeds lovely in their rankness"


  1. The prolificacy of sow is an important target. 母猪繁殖技术又是生产的重要指标。
  2. We exert strong prolificacy from two factory, supply shortcut delivery. 我们发挥两个工厂的强大生产力,为客户提供快捷的交货期。
  3. The Marxist consider the human as the most active factor in prolificacy . 马克思主义者认为:人是生产力中最活跃的因素。
  4. The main content of this study is to introduce haw to improve prolificacy and a litter meat yield of sow. 本研究的主要内容是介绍提高母猪繁殖率和窝产瘦肉量的主要技术要求。
  5. It‘s denseness prolificacy fertility make a sharp contrast with the sparse and poor native soil. 它稠密、多产、肥沃,与当地稀疏、贫瘠的土壤形成鲜明的对比。
  6. How to improve prolificacy and a litter meat yield of sow is an important way of developing commercial pig production. 如何提高母猪繁殖率和窝产瘦肉量是发展商品猪生产的重要途径。