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2024-02-02 10:58:16
美[proʊlɒŋəbl]  英[prəʊlɒŋəbl]
adj.  可延长的(可拖延的)


  1. Dont prolong the agony just tell us the result! 别再让我们著急了--快告诉我们结果吧!
  2. People have all along been seeking to prolong life. 人们一直在寻求长寿之道。
  3. How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life? 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?
  4. We must prolong the runway of the airfield. 我们必须加长机场跑道。
  5. It was useless to prolong the discussion. 继续争下去没有用。
  6. Why should we prolong this painful interview? 我们何必把这次痛苦的谈话继续下去呢?