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2024-02-02 11:28:17
美[prəmoʊtɪ]  英[prəməʊtiː]
n.  被提升者;获晋级者


  1. The government decided to promote public welfare. 政府决定发展公共福利。
  2. Your job is to promote the new product. 你的工作是促销这一新产品。
  3. The policy will promote rather than hinder reform. 这项政策将促进而不是妨碍改革。
  4. The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship. 会议的目的是增进国际间的友谊。
  5. Hell scream blue murder if you promote Jack instead of him. 如果你提升杰克而不提升他,他会大吵大闹的。
  6. The promotee took us out for a Taiwanese seafood hotpot dinner. 演出举办方带我们去吃台湾海鲜火锅。