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2024-02-02 12:12:16
美[prəˌnʌnsɪəmentoʊ]  英[prəˌnʌnsɪəmentəʊ]
n.  宣言;军事革命


  1. a public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government)


  1. Have you read the pronunciamento of the uprising? 你读过了这个起义的宣言吗?
  2. Pronunciamento of streetor. Cn or opinions for Administration just post here. 站务公告。
  3. Except our splendid and honorable restaurant establishments,we will overjoy every guests each moment by realizing all the promises contented in the brand which as our missional pronunciamento. 我们不仅拥有奢华与尊贵的饭店设施,更会将我们的使命宣言----每时每刻令客人喜出望外,即香格里拉品牌中所蕴含的一切承诺付诸实施。
  4. But, it has the vigour and it show to filled with pride.This is pronunciamento of victory after it should be that the Mongols Attack Chongqing House, and captured Zhang Yu Fuling in Sichuan. 这应该是蒙古人攻破重庆府、在涪陵俘获了四川制置使张钮后发出的胜利宣言。
  5. How to Cognize and Prevent Internal Audit Pronunciamento Risks 如何认识和防范内部审计公告风险