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2024-02-02 13:07:17
美[prəpɔːʃənətli]  英[prəpɔːʃənətli]
adv.  相称地;成比例地


  1. to a proportionate degree;

    "your salary will rise proportionately to your workload"

  2. in proportion;

    "the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions"

  3. in proportion


  1. A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。
  2. A small proportion of the streets were sewered. 一小部分街道铺有下水道。
  3. Imports will be allowed in proportion to exports. 容许的进口量将按照出口的多少而定。
  4. The room is wide in proportion to its height. 这房间就其高度的比例而言是很宽的。
  5. A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism. 一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
  6. Try to draw the figures in the foreground in proportion. 要把前景中的人物画得合比例。