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2024-02-02 13:40:16
美[prəpʌlsə]  英[prəpʌlsə]
n.  喷气式发动机(推进器)


  1. Analysis of vibration of bottomhole assembly with downhole hydrodynamic propulsor. 带井下液力推进器的钻具组合振动分析。
  2. The experimental result for a puller-type podded propulsor is presented in this paper. 为了认识吊舱式推进器操舵工况的水动力特性,进行了拖式吊舱推进器模型试验研究。
  3. A new type of underwater electrical propulsor named integrated motor propulsor(IMP) is introduced in this paper. 介绍了一种新型水下电力推进装置,即集成电机推进器。
  4. The downhole hydrodynamic propulsor has yet to be improved since it has some limitations in operation. 但在井型的适应范围和小曲率造斜井的施工等方面,推进器的使用还存在一定的局限性,有待进一步完善和发展。
  5. The undulatory biomimetic propulsor is a new underwater propulsor which emulates the swimming mode of Gymnarchus Niloticus. 摘要波动仿生推进器是以“尼罗河魔鬼”为仿生对象设计的新型水下推进装置。
  6. Two methods for determining the critical length of the drill tool section below the hydrodynamic propulsor are presented. 给出了确定井下液力推进器以下钻具临界长度的两种方法。