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2024-02-02 14:03:16
美[prəskrɪpʃn]  英[prəskrɪpʃn]
n.  禁止;被放逐;剥夺公民权
  形容词:proscriptive  副词:proscriptively


  1. 禁止
  2. 放逐
  3. 排斥
  4. 剥夺公权
  5. 剥夺人权
  6. 宣布...为公敌的公告
  7. 剥夺权利
  8. 处罚的宣告
  9. 制止


  1. a decree that prohibits something
  2. rejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someone


  1. An IFR Proscription: Some of the more common medications have uncommon effects on instrument skills. 一条仪表飞行规则:某些很平常的药物对仪表技巧有不同寻常的效果。
  2. Since much of Wicca is more world view and ceremonial practice than anything else, there is no Wiccan proscription of such things. 由于多数巫术崇拜者比任何别的宗教更看重世界和仪式实践,就没有巫术崇拜者被剥夺了这些东西。
  3. This proscription does not extend to the cases cannot be opened or cannot have an open trial according to law. 但是,法律规定不公开或者可以不公开审理的除外。
  4. There is no proscription in Chinese laws and regulations concerning the legal status of condominium association. 对于建筑物区分所有权人组织的法律性质,我国目前有关法律法规并未作出规定。
  5. They had not been broken by the crash of empires, the machetes of revolting slaves, war, rebellion, proscription , confiscation. 他们没有在帝国的覆亡、造反奴隶的大刀、战争、叛乱、放逐和没收的打击下一蹶不振。
  6. In recent years, however, some nationalist rabbis have urged a reversal of the religious proscription and led Jewish worshippers onto the Mount. 然而,近年来,一些民族主义拉比们呼吁宗教取缔原来的禁令,并允许犹太信徒上山。