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2024-02-02 14:15:17
美[prɑːsələtaɪz]  英[prɒsələtaɪz]
v.  使改宗;劝诱改宗
  名词:proselytization  过去式:proselytized  过去分词:proselytized  现在分词:proselytizing  第三人称单数:proselytizes


  1. convert to another faith or religion


  1. A wise man will not proselytize you. 智者不会对你改宗劝诱。
  2. It is not your task as members of the Family of Light to proselytize. 作为光家族的成员来劝导改宗它不是你们的任务。
  3. The Taoism from the outset it to peom to proselytize, to expand social influence. 该教从创始之初便以词来传教,扩大社会影响力。
  4. If you try to proselytize someone, or battle them over a hot topic like abortion, you may reach a point of no return. 如果你试图让对方改变信仰,或者在一些,如堕胎这样的敏感问题上说服对方,那你以后想要改变观点也不行了。
  5. There he issued a call for other Protestant evangelists to proselytize to the worlds "unreached people," those who had not been exposed to Christianity. 在该会上他签署了一个呼吁其他新教宣教士来使世界未得之民归主的文件。
  6. Attempts to proselytize the younger generation 向年轻一代进行信仰方面的宣传.