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2024-02-02 14:50:16
美[ˌprɒstəsaɪklɪn]  英[prɒstəsaɪklɪn]
n.  [生化]环前列腺素


  1. Endothelin,nitric oxide,and prostacyclin pathway were three major pathways involved in the pathogenesis. 内皮素、一氧化氮和前列环素通路失衡在PH病理发生中发挥重要作用。
  2. The concentration of lipid peroxide was increased, prostacyclin synthesis was decreased in endothelial cells with increase of diamide concentration. 随联胺浓度增加,内皮细胞过氧化脂质浓度增加,前列环素合成减少。
  3. Vinikka L,Vuorij,Ylikorkala.Lipid peroxide prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 in runner during acute exercise[J].Med Sci Sports Exero,1984,16(3):275. 胡琪琛陶心铭.;短跑与中跑运动员红细胞超氧化物歧化酶含量及活性初探[J]
  4. With DIC or with acute hemorrhaging, the utilization of alternative anticoagulation procedures should be taken into consideration (e.g. prostacyclin or citrate anti-coagulation). 如有DIC或急性出血,可以考虑选择其它抗凝方法(如前列环素或柠檬酸盐)。
  5. Of those patients, 32 were selected to receive inhaled iloprost (a prostacyclin analog) along with bosentan, while the remainder took a placebo and bosentan. 在这些病人中,32例采用吸入性伊洛前列素(一种前列腺幻素的类似物)和波生坦的联合用药,其余病人采用安慰剂和波生坦治疗。
  6. SR-BI and Endothelial lipase (EL) play a critical role in the regulation of plasma HDL.Incubation of HDL with vascular endothelial cells promotes prostacyclin synthesis. HDL的间接血管内皮功能保护作用-抗氧化作用与其携带的酶和转运的一些酶有关,如HDL抑制内皮细胞表达黏附分子而减轻炎症反应对内皮细胞的损伤;