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2024-02-02 15:00:17
美[ˌprɒsθədɒntɪks]  英[prɒsθədɒntɪks]
n.  [医]假牙修复学;假牙修制术
  形容词:prosthodontic  名词:prosthodontist


  1. the branch of dentistry dealing with the replacement of teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by artificial devices


  1. Similar experiments might be useful for future use in the science of dental materials and in prosthodontics for precision measurements of different character. 类似的实验在牙科材料学和镶牙术中将有可能用于一些不同性质的精密测量。
  2. Ni-Cr alloy and Au-Pt alloy are principal alloys which used to make PFM in prosthodontics. Ni-Cr合金、Au-Pt合金为目前口腔修复中制作金属烤瓷修复体的主要合金。
  3. This paper introduced the Design and development of the multimedia courseware on the clinical skills in prosthodontics. 本文介绍了口腔修复学临床操作多媒体课件的设计与开发。
  4. This article reviews the recent research developments in implant in orthodontics and prosthodontics. 本文就种植体在口腔正畸、修复中的研究近况作一些介绍。
  5. This paper introduced the design and development of the multimedia handbook in prosthodontics course. 本文介绍了口腔修复学多媒体手册的设计与开发。
  6. Prosthodontics requires indirect and more invasive procedures with laboratorial involvement. 修复则不直接而耗费人力,需技工参与。