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2024-02-02 15:24:16
美[prətekʃn]  英[prətekʃn]
n.  保护;防卫


  1. 保护
  2. 通行证
  3. 护照
  4. 防护物
  5. 警戒
  6. 【经】保护贸易制度
  7. <俚>保护费
  8. 保卫
  9. 防护
  10. 保护者
  11. 防卫
  12. 防御
  13. 掩护
  14. 包庇
  15. 照顾
  16. 保护政策
  17. 照应
  18. 保卫…的安全
  1. 保护
  2. 警戒


  1. [U]保护,保卫 protecting or being protected
  2. [U]贸易保护措施 system of protecting home industries by taxing foreign goods
  3. [C]防护物 thing that protects
  4. [U](向歹徒缴纳的)保护费 money paid to gangsters so that one will not be attacked by them


  1. the activity of protecting someone or something;

    "the witnesses demanded police protection"

  2. a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury;

    "they had no protection from the fallout" "wax provided protection for the floors"

  3. defense against financial failure; financial independence;

    "his pension gave him security in his old age" "insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness"

  4. the condition of being protected;

    "they were huddled together for protection" "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"

  5. kindly endorsement and guidance;

    "the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council"

  6. the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition;

    "he made trade protection a plank in the party platform"

  7. payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence;

    "every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection"


  1. afford〔give〕 protection给予保护
  2. demand〔seek〕protection要求〔寻求〕保护
  3. gain〔get〕 protection得到保护
  4. need〔require〕 protection需要保护
  5. offer〔provide〕 protection提供保护
  6. receive protection接受保护,受到保护
  1. efficient〔kind, total〕 protection有效〔好意,全面〕的保护
  2. financial〔mutual〕 protection财政〔互相〕保护
  1. fire protection防火
  2. police protection警方保护
  1. under sbs protection在…的保护下,受…的保护,托…照顾
  2. under the protection of the government在政府的保护下
  1. protection against防止…
  2. protection against pollution防止污染
  3. protection at halts驻军警戒
  4. protection for the head保护头部
  5. protection from防止…
  6. protection from the wind避风
  7. protection of the government政府的保护
  8. protection on the move行军警戒


  1. Hes devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。
  2. She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.她戴上墨镜以防强光的照射。
  3. She subscribes to an animal protection society.她捐款给一个动物保护协会。
  4. They lobbied on the environmental protection issue.他们就环境保护问题在议员中进行了游说。
  5. The settlers banded together for protection.移民联合起来保护自己。