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2024-02-02 16:04:16
美[proʊθrɒmbɪn]  英[prəθrɒmbɪn]
n.  凝血素


  1. a protein in blood plasma that is the inactive precursor of thrombin


  1. Prothrombin:Carbohydrate-protein compound in plasma essential to coagulation. 凝血原:血浆中的一类碳水化合物糖蛋白,是凝血系统中的必要成分。
  2. Purpose To purify prothrombin simply and effectively from human plasma. 目的从人血浆中简便、快速、高效地提纯凝血酶原。
  3. The team used univariate analysis to demonstrate that serum albumin, total bilirubin, and prothrombin activity were prognostic factors. 小组用单变量的分析展示血清白蛋白;总胆红素;和凝血因子活动为预断因素.
  4. Method: Coagulaton time(CT),prothrombin time(PT) and englobulin lysis time(ELT) were used to evaluate the anticoagultation activities of osthol. 方法:通过测定小鼠凝血时间(CT)、大鼠的凝血酶原时间(PT)和优球蛋白溶解时间(ELT),观测蛇床子素的抗凝作用。
  5. Comparatively,BDA effected stronger on thrombin time (TT) but BDBeffected more on prothrombin time(PT). 二者相比较,BDA 的凝血酶时间(TT)的作用较BDB 更为显著,而BDB 凝血酶原时间(PT)的作用强于BDA。
  6. In contrast, there wag no abnormal prothrombin in the rat plasma during its liver regeneration. 诱癌早期的大鼠血浆即出现了高水平异常凝血酶原,它可用于肝癌的早期诊断。