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2024-02-02 16:32:17
美[ˌproʊtəfloʊˌem]  英[prəʊtəfləʊəm]
n.  [植]原生韧皮部


  1. Mature or almost mature protophloem sieve element. 质膜已发生局部解体。
  2. It consists of the PROTOPHLOEM (formed first) and METAPHLOEM. 由原生韧皮部(最早形成的)和后生韧皮部组成。
  3. Portion of a protophloem sieve element at the stage of maturation. 另外可见到电子致密的多膜复合体(箭)。
  4. Protophloem The first-formed PRIMARY PHLOEM, differentiated from the procambium in the region just behind the meristem. 原生韧皮部:最早形成的初生韧皮部,由位于分生组织中的原形成层分化而来。
  5. A protophloem sieve element at an early stage of maturation,showing a nucleus at the onset of degeneration. 注意高尔基体发生某些变化,显示解体的迹象。
  6. The PROTOPHLOEM and METAPHLOEM are primary tissues and derived from the procambium,while the secondary phloem is formed from the VASCULAR CAMBIUM. 苯丙氨酸是苯化合物以及像箭毒和吗啡等生物碱的前体。