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2024-02-02 17:17:17
美[pruːv]  英[pruːv]
v.  证明;检验;结果是;发酵
  形容词:provable  副词:provably  名词:provability  过去式:proved/proven  过去分词:proved/proven  现在分词:proving  第三人称单数:proves


  1. 证明,证实
  2. 证明是,结果是,原来是,发现为,表明是
  3. 【律】认证(遗嘱)
  4. 【数】证,证明,验算
  5. 展现(自己的才能),向人证明(自己)是
  6. 检验,试验,考验
  7. 勘探,钻探(~ up)
  8. (使)面团发酵
  9. 【印】试印,把…印成校样


  1. vt. & vi. 证明 show that sth is true and right
  2. vt. 检验,试验 establish that sth is genuine; show that sth has been properly made


  1. be shown or be found to be;

    "She proved to be right" "The medicine turned out to save her life" "She turned up HIV positive"

  2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment;

    "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound" "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"

  3. provide evidence for;

    "The blood test showed that he was the father" "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"

  4. prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof
  5. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to;

    "This approach has been tried with good results" "Test this recipe"

  6. increase in volume;

    "the dough rose slowly in the warm room"

  7. cause to puff up with a leaven;

    "unleavened bread"

  8. take a trial impression of
  9. obtain probate of;

    "prove a will"


  1. prove a gun验枪
  2. prove a mans worth证明某人的价值
  3. prove a meter检验仪表
  4. prove a new car model试验一种新型汽车
  5. prove a new weapon检验新武器
  6. prove a will查验遗嘱
  7. prove gold验金
  8. prove sbs courage考验某人的勇气
  9. prove sbs honesty考验某人的诚实
  10. prove the truthfulness证明…的真实性
  1. prove capable证明(某人)能干
  2. prove unhappy证明不幸福
  3. prove wrong证明(某人)错了
  1. prove amply充分证明
  2. prove clearly清楚地证明
  3. prove conclusively最后证明
  4. prove incontestably无可争辩地证明
  5. prove indisputably无可辩驳地证明
  6. prove statistically统计证明
  7. prove ultimately确凿无疑地证明
  8. prove undeniably确凿无疑地证明
  9. prove undoubtedly毫无疑问地证明
  10. prove out证实有预期的结果
  11. prove up探明
  12. prove up the copper deposit探明铜矿矿床
  1. prove against sb证明对某人不利
  2. prove by another fact由另一事实证明
  3. prove from another fact由另一事实证明
  4. prove of great value证明很有价值
  5. prove of no use证明无用
  6. prove to向…证明
  7. prove this to sb向某人证明这一点
  8. prove to ones advantage证明对某人有利
  9. prove to the police向警方证明


  1. There wasnt enough evidence to prove him guilty.没有充分的证据证明他有罪。
  2. He has proved his courage in the battle.他已在这场战斗中证明了自己的勇气。
  3. The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
  4. Leave the dough to prove for half an hour.让面团发酵半小时。
  5. She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.她结果可能是最适合干这工作的人。
  6. The old methods proved best after all.采用老方法结果反而是某事物最好。
  7. Leave the dough to prove for half an hour.让面团发酵半小时。


    prove的基本意思是“证明”,即以足够、可靠的证据来证明自己的观点或结论是正确的,而对方的论点或结果是站不住脚的。此外,也可表示证实有争议的人或物的品质、实力或适合性等。引申可作“检验”解。 prove既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、从句作宾语。prove还可接“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语, to be一般可以省略,但当to be是完成式即to have been时不可省略。prove还可用作系动词,意思是“显现出是,被发现是”,其后可接“(to be)+ adj./prep. -phrase”或介词短语作表语。 prove的过去分词在英国是proved; 但在美国往往用proven, proven常用作形容词,在句中作定语。