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2024-02-02 19:20:16
美[psjuːdoʊsaɪd]  英[psjuːdəʊsaɪd]
n.  假自杀;假自杀者


  1. This is the essence of pseudocide. 这就是“假死”这一行为的本质所在。
  2. Fake drowning is thought to be the most common method of pseudocide because it makes the absence of a body seem more plausible. 伪造溺水身亡被认为是最常见的“假死”方式,因为这种情况下找不到尸体似乎听起来比较合理。
  3. Pseudocide is the act of faking your own death because you want to avoid serious personal, financial, or legal problems, and start a new life. “假死”(或“改头换面”)是一种因为想要逃避严重的个人、经济或法律问题而伪造自己死亡的表象,然后以新的身份开始生活的行为。