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2024-02-02 19:46:17
美[psjuːdoʊplæstɪk]  英[psjuːdəʊplæstɪk]
n.  假塑性体


  1. The feedstocks of all wax systems show pseudoplastic be-havior. 三种蜡系的胚料均属拟塑性流体;
  2. Results indicated: the blends belonged to a pseudoplastic flow. 结果表明:该共混物为假塑性流体,有切力变稀现象;
  3. The result shows that the blend of PET/WSPET is non-Newton pseudoplastic fluid. 结果表明,PET/WSPET共混体系熔体呈现切力变稀行为,表现出典型的非牛顿型假塑性流体特征。
  4. The results showed that starch pastes owned pseudoplastic and the shear-thinning characteristics. 结果表明:所有的样品糊均呈现假塑性流体特征。
  5. This company specialized production various pseudoplastic movementcanteen, PE canteen. 本公司专业生产各类塑料运动水壶,PE水壶。
  6. The results proved that the flowability of the system obeyed the law of pseudoplastic fluid. 结果表明,该体系的流动符合假塑性流体的流动规律。