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2024-02-02 21:34:17
美[ˌsaɪkoʊsɜːdʒərɪ]  英[ˌsaɪkəʊsɜːdʒərɪ]
n.  精神外科学
  形容词:psychosurgical  名词:psychosurgeon  名词复数:psychosurgeries


  1. brain surgery on human patients intended to relieve severe and otherwise intractable mental or behavioral problems


  1. In Vacaville, psychosurgery has long been a policy. 在Vacaville,精神外科长期以来都是一项政策。
  2. "We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. “我们需要一个精神外科项目来对社会进行政治控制。
  3. Psychosurgery:Treatment of psychosis or other mental disorders by means of Brain surgery. 精神外科:用脑外科方法来治疗精神病或其它精神疾患的手术。
  4. Psychosurgery: Treatment of psychosis or other mental disorders by means of brain surgery. 精神外科:用脑外科方法来治疗精神病或其它精神疾患的手术。
  5. In one set of cases, experimental psychosurgery was conducted on three inmates, a black, a Chicano and a white person. 在一系列案例中,精神外科实验在3个囚犯身上进行过,一个黑人,一个墨西哥裔美国人,一个白人。
  6. There is strong evidence to indicate psychosurgery was still being used in prisons in the 1980s. 有确凿的证据显示,精神外科学在80年代仍旧在监狱中使用。