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2024-02-02 21:59:17
美[terədoʊˌfaɪt]  英[terɪdəʊfaɪt]
n.  羊齿类


  1. plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores


  1. Pteridophyte resources in this area are of great utilization value. 保护区内这些蕨类植物资源具有重要的利用价值。
  2. It indicated that there were 59 pteridophyte in Laoling Nature Reserve, belonging to 14 families and 23 genera. 结果表明:老岭自然保护区共有蕨类植物59种,隶属14科、23属。
  3. Methods Pteridophyte resources were classified and analyzed on the base of referring some literature information. 方法在查阅有关文献资料的基础上,对蕨类植物资源进行归类和分析。
  4. The pteridophyte resource in Laoling Nature Reserve of Qinhuangdao in Hebei province was investigated in 2002. 摘要于2002年,对河北省秦皇岛境内老岭自然保护区的藏类植物资源进行了调查。
  5. Among of which,there are 7 species of pteridophyte,3 species of gymnosperm and 403 species of angiosperm. 其中蕨类植物7种,裸子植物3种,被子植物403种。
  6. The floristic characteristics of the Xizang (Tibet) pteridophyte flora in relation to the upheaval of the Himalayas. 西藏蕨类植物区系的特点及其与喜马拉雅隆升的关系.