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2024-02-02 22:22:16
美[taɪəlɪn]  英[taɪəlɪn]
n.  唾液素


  1. an amylase secreted in saliva


  1. The watery mixture of secretions from the salivary and oral mucous glands that lubricates chewed food, moistens the oral walls, and contains ptyalin. 唾液:唾液腺和口腔粘膜腺分泌的水状混和物,用来润滑咀嚼过的食物,湿润口腔壁,并含有唾液淀粉酶
  2. If not for an enzyme called ptyalin, found in our saliva, it would take several weeks for our bodies to break down pasta into its constituent sugars. 举例来说,若非有一种名为唾液淀粉酶的酵素,我们的身体可能要花上好几星期,才能把义大利面分解成基本的糖分子。
  3. Through the process of coalescing, separating unmixed mass transfer alkali refining, sweetening ptyalin, cyanogens and cobalt in fixed lathes, retreating discolorization high quality No. 陕北混合原油经过聚结分离、无混合传质碱精制、磺化酞氰钴固定床脱硫醇、脱色预处理等组合工艺,可研制生产出符合规格的优质3号喷气燃料。
  4. 9 see joke: The high school student does ptyalin test on content class. 9看笑话: 中学生物课上做唾液淀粉酶实验。
  5. Extraction and Purification of Polyphenols from Ilex paraguarensis and Its Effects on Activity of Ptyalin 巴拉圭茶多酚的提取纯化及其对唾液淀粉酶活性的影响
  6. Keywords Taiyin Disease;Hyposplenoyang;Saliva Flora;Saliva ptyalin;Microecology; 太阴病脾阳虚;口腔菌群;唾液淀粉酶;微生态学;