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2024-02-03 00:11:17
美[pʌlmɒnɪk]  英[pʌlmɒnɪk]
adj.  肺的;肺炎的


  1. relating to or affecting the lungs;

    "pulmonary disease"


  1. How many cusps are there supposed to be on this pulmonic valve. 你认为这个肺动脉瓣有多少个瓣叶?
  2. The most common causes are aortic or pulmonic valve regurgitation. 最常见的原因是主动脉瓣或肺动脉瓣反流。
  3. Moderate regurgitation was detected in pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral valves. 中度返流仅见于肺动脉瓣、三尖瓣和二尖瓣。
  4. Every patients was observed for his heart and pulmonary function recovery,blood gas analysis and pulmonic pressure. 观察心肺功能恢复情况,检查血气分析和肺动脉压力。
  5. P2 may be augmented in pulmonary hypertension and diminished in pulmonic stenosis. 肺动脉高血压可加剧P2,肺动脉瓣狭窄时则P2减轻。
  6. When the spiral septum fails to completely descend, the aortic and pulmonic trunks are left undivided at their outflow. 一旦螺旋形隔板下降不全,主动脉和肺动脉干的血流将不能分开。