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2024-02-03 00:35:16
美[pʌlʃən]  英[pʌlʃən]
n.  推进


  1. The concept of digital initiation technique and micro pyrotechnics is described,and micro-electromechanical system, microthruster pro pulsion system,miniaturized explosive train and non invasive syringe are demonst rated. 介绍了数字化火工技术、微烟火技术的概念及内涵,并且介绍了以该概念为基础的微型火箭列阵、微机电技术微型传爆序列和无针注射器的发展。
  2. Abstract: The concept of digital initiation technique and micro pyrotechnics is described, and micro-electromechanical system, microthruster pro pulsion system, miniaturized explosive train and non invasive syringe are demonst rated. 文摘:介绍了数字化火工技术、烟火技术的概念及内涵,并且介绍了以该概念为基础的微型火箭列阵、机电技术微型传爆序列和无针注射器的发展。
  3. Abstract: The concept of digital initiation technique and micro pyrotechnics is described,and micro-electromechanical system, microthruster pro pulsion system,miniaturized explosive train and non invasive syringe are demonst rated. 文摘:介绍了数字化火工技术、微烟火技术的概念及内涵,并且介绍了以该概念为基础的微型火箭列阵、微机电技术微型传爆序列和无针注射器的发展。
  4. Acquired pulsion diverticulum of esophagus 后天性内压性食管憩室
  5. pulsion diverticulum 压出型憩室