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2024-02-03 00:51:16
美[pʌməˌloʊ]  英[pʌmɪləʊ]
n.  [植]柚子;文旦


  1. Pumelo forest, its still green in winter, which makes me feel very good. 柚子林,冬天也绿油油的,感觉很舒服。
  2. Chromosome Study on Laser-mutagenesis of Seedless Shatian Pumelo[J]. 引用该论文 肖梅;陈秉灵;李庄;韦文楼;赵兴文.
  3. Embryology Study on Laser-mutagenesis of Seedless Shatian Pumelo[J]. 引用该论文 肖梅;陈秉灵;李庄.
  4. We obtained a new earlymaturing seedless Shatian Pumelo on the basie of seedlss Shatian Pumelo. 在无核沙田柚的基础上,得到了一种新的早熟无核沙田柚。
  5. We hold that pollen abortion is a significant character of seedless shatian pumelo. 花粉败育是无核的一个重要性状。
  6. Q cluster analysis and R cluster analysis have been used to examine the 19 leaf characteristics from the 20 pumelo cultivars with SPSS software. 利用SPSS软件对柚类20个品种的19个叶片性状进行了Q型聚类及其R型聚类,结果表明,20个柚品种可分为4个组群;