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2024-02-03 00:56:17
美[pʌmp]  英[pʌmp]
n.  泵;抽水机;打气筒;抽水;打气
v.  打气;唧筒般运动;灌输;抽取;增加;<口>盘问
  名词:pumper  过去式:pumped  过去分词:pumped  现在分词:pumping  第三人称单数:pumps


  1. 抽吸,抽动,抽运,一抽,一吸
  2. 泵,唧筒
  3. 无带轻便舞鞋,无带浅口有跟女鞋
  4. 抽(水)机
  5. 抽机作用
  6. 泵声
  7. 盘问,用话套话
  8. 盘问者,善于探听消息的人
  9. 反应迟钝的人,呆子
  1. 用唧筒抽,使用唧筒,用唧筒抽吸…中的水等,唧筒似地运动
  2. 用话刺探出,被(把)盘问出来,诱问出来
  3. 倾注,灌注(知识)
  4. 一阵阵喷出
  5. 打(气),为...打气
  6. 使劲地握(手)
  7. 用泵抽(水),用泵增压,用泵输送,操作泵
  8. 抽干,抽动,用抽水机汲水,用抽机抽,操作抽水机
  9. 绞(脑筋)
  10. 上下运动,上下快速摇动,上下往复动作
  11. 猛升猛降
  12. 急速摇晃
  13. 盘问,追问,一再探问
  14. 激励
  15. 涌出,涌流,奔流,流进流出
  1. =politically upwardly mobile personality 政治新星


  1. [C]泵,打气筒 a machine, usually with a tube and a handle, for forcing liquids, air, or gas into or out of sth
  1. vt. & vi. 用抽水机汲水; 给…打气 cause to empty or fill with a liquid or gas by means of a pump


  1. a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
  2. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body;

    "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"

  3. a low-cut shoe without fastenings
  1. operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal;

    "pump the gas pedal"

  2. deliver forth;

    "pump bullets into the dummy"

  3. draw or pour with a pump
  4. supply in great quantities;

    "Pump money into a project"

  5. flow intermittently
  6. move up and down;

    "The athlete pumps weights in the gym"

  7. raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
  8. question persistently;

    "She pumped the witnesses for information"


  1. operate a pump操作泵
  2. prime〔work〕 a pump启动水泵
  1. centrifugal〔hydraulic〕 pump离心〔水压〕泵
  1. air pump气筒
  2. bicycle pump脚踏车打气筒
  3. breast pump吸奶器
  4. gasoline pump抽油机
  5. stomach pump洗胃器
  1. pump out secrets发掘秘闻
  2. pump up a tire给轮胎打气
  1. pump into把…吸入,把…倾注入
  2. pump out of把…从…中吸出


  1. The heart has acted as a strong pump.心脏充当了一部强有力的泵。
  2. At the farm there was an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.那个农场有一台老式的用来从井里抽水的抽水机。
  3. Can you lend me your bicycle pump?能把你的打气筒借给我吗?
  4. After several pumps, the water began to flow.用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。
  5. She blow up the flat tyre with a bicycle pump.她用自行车打气筒给瘪了的轮胎打气。
  1. Pump the tire up hard before going out on the road.在出去上路之前, 要把轮胎打足气。
  2. His heart was pumping fast.他的心脏跳动得很快。
  3. Its hard work to pump facts into unwilling students.向不自觉的学生灌输知识并非易事。
  4. It is autumn and they are pumping water out of the swimming pool.入秋了, 他们正在抽游泳池的水。
  5. They have cut prices in an attempt to pump up sales.为了增加销售量他们减价销售。