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2024-02-03 00:57:16
美[pʌmpəbl]  英[pʌmpəbl]
adj.  可用泵抽的


  1. Pumpable silk luster agent with high opacity. 可泵的高度不透明性丝光剂。
  2. High yield pearl luster agent, easily pumpable. 高光泽珠光剂,易泵运。
  3. ZB rotary piston fillers are suitable to fill volumetrically all pumpable products. 旋转活塞式灌装机适合容积灌装泵输送的物料。
  4. The characters of this admixture are as follows:liquid,chloride-free,low alkali content,low dosage and pumpable. 介绍了一种新型混凝土早强防冻剂,该类产品为液体型,具有不含氯盐,低碱,小掺量,可泵送等特点。
  5. DE starch hydrolyzates are subjected to concentration, cooling and partial crystallization to form a pumpable massecuite composed of microcrystals. 用DE值97%25的淀粉水解液经过浓缩、冷却、部分结晶,形成具有可泵性的含有糖微晶体的糖浆。
  6. The surveyor determined that, of that quantity, 403 bbls was non-liquid (and “unpumpable”) and 3,503 bbls was liquid (and “pumpable”). 根据检验人的结论,其中403桶为非液体(“不可泵”),但3,503桶为液体(“可泵”)。