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2024-02-03 01:05:17
美[pʌntʃən]  英[pʌntʃən]
n.  短柱(打印器;石板;大桶)


  1. The amount of liquid contained in a puncheon. 大桶所容纳的液体的份量
  2. Before an hours out, Ill stove in your old block-house like a rum puncheon. 要不了一个小时,我就将你们这座木屋像朗姆酒桶一样砸个稀巴烂。
  3. Have I lived this many years, and a son of a rum puncheon cock his hat athwart my hawse at the latter end of it? 我活了这么大岁数,难道到了晚年还会让什么酒囊饭袋在我面前摆谱吗?
  4. Localization of large moulding board in construction of puncheon shearing force wall 大模板在短肢剪力墙工程施工中应用的局限性
  5. reinforced concrete puncheon 钢筋混凝土短柱