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2024-02-03 01:11:16
美[pʌŋktəfɔːm]  英[pʌŋktɪfɔːm]
adj.  (似)点的


  1. Stigma 1, terminal, punctiform, undivided. 柱头1,顶生,,不裂。
  2. Style longer than ovary;stigma punctiform. 每室2胚株比子房花柱长;
  3. Stigma 1, terminal, punctiform to subcapitate, undivided. 柱头1,顶生,到近头状,不裂。
  4. The size of the brain lesions was varied, the appearances were punctiform, mottling, patching, ellipse and so on. 病灶大小不一,形态可为斑片状、斑点状、圆形、类圆形。
  5. Male inflorescences erect; anthers ca. 0.3 mm; stigma punctiform or a minute terminal pore. 雄花序直立;花药长约0.;3毫米;一分钟的柱头点状的或顶生的孔。(3
  6. Twigs spiny, pallid brown, densely covered with rust-colored punctiform short bristles, glabrescent with age. 小枝刺,灰白色棕色,密被为锈色点状短刚毛所覆盖,老时脱落无毛。