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2024-02-03 01:22:16
美[pʌŋktəm]  英[pʌŋktəm]
n.  斑点


  1. (anatomy) a point or small area


  1. YAG laser for block of punctum lacrimale. 泪点阻塞性疾病激光治疗。
  2. There is nothing to suggest, at least initially, that this is anything but a sentimental punctum of the family. 没有任何东西来暗示观众这一幕不是家庭生活的一个动人场景,至少开头没有。
  3. In this report, we present two cases of basal cell carcinoma which invaded the medial side of the lower eyelid and lower punctum. 本篇报告两个侵犯下眼睑内侧及泪孔之基底细胞癌的病例。
  4. Objective Analyze the causation and surgical treatment of traumatic inferior punctum ectropion. 摘要目的分析外伤性下泪点外翻的原因和手术治疗的方法。
  5. Methods:Three adult dogs received laser surgery separately on lower little tuber,punctum and lacrimal cyst. 方法:三只成年狗用激光分别点击了泪小点,泪小管,泪囊。
  6. Topographical dissections of Zu-san-li punctum, punctum of appendix, and Ren-ying punctum. 关于“足三里”“阑尾”“人迎”穴局部解剖的一些观察