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2024-02-03 01:35:17
美[pʌnɪʃ]  英[pʌnɪʃ]
vt.  惩罚;粗暴对待
vi.  处罚
  形容词:punishable  名词:punishability  过去式:punished  过去分词:punished  现在分词:punishing  第三人称单数:punishes


  1. 罚,惩罚,处罚
  2. 损害
  3. <口>折磨
  4. <口>大量消耗,贪婪地吃喝
  5. 严厉对付,严厉批评
  6. 使大败,痛击(对手)
  7. 吃大亏,吃苦头
  8. 【赛马】乱糟踏(马)
  9. 责备,处分,惩治
  10. 降祸
  11. 对…判罪,治罪
  12. 判定…的处罚方式
  13. 责怪(自己),自责
  14. 粗暴地对待


  1. vt. 罚,处罚,惩罚 hurt, imprison, fine, etc. sb for wrongdoing
  2. vt. 粗暴地对待,痛打 treat sb roughly, especially by giving hard blows


  1. impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on;

    "The students were penalized for showing up late for class" "we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again"


  1. punish an offence惩治犯罪
  2. punish an opponent痛击对手
  3. punish beef猛吃牛肉
  4. punish a child惩罚孩子
  5. punish criminal惩罚罪犯
  6. punish dangerous driving制裁违章驾驶
  7. punish embezzler惩处贪污者
  8. punish enemy猛击敌人
  9. punish grafter惩处盗窃者
  10. punish insurrections打击暴力
  11. punish lawbreaker惩罚违法乱纪者
  12. punish son惩罚儿子
  13. punish speculator惩罚投机倒把分子
  14. punish students惩罚学生
  15. punish the football player制裁足球运动员
  16. punish the thief惩罚小偷
  1. punish atrociously凶暴地惩罚
  2. punish barbarously野蛮地对待
  3. punish cruelly无情地惩罚,残酷地惩罚
  4. punish harshly严惩
  5. punish heavily严厉惩罚
  6. punish ignominiously不光彩地惩罚
  7. punish indiscriminately不加区别地惩罚
  8. punish justly正当地处罚
  9. punish lightly轻微地惩罚
  10. punish mildly轻微地惩罚
  11. punish nominally有名无实地制裁
  12. punish officially官方制裁
  13. punish pitilessly无情地打击
  14. punish really切实地打击
  15. punish sadly惨痛地打击
  16. punish severely严惩
  17. punish sparingly轻微地处分
  18. punish summarily立即惩处
  19. punish vindictively报复性制裁
  1. punish according to根据…惩罚
  2. punish sb by〔with〕 fine处予某人罚金,罚某人的款
  3. punish for因…而惩办
  4. punish sb for carelessness因粗心而处罚某人
  5. punish with罚以…
  6. be punished with death处以死刑


  1. The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student.老师宣布她将惩罚那个坏学生。
  2. Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。
  3. Dangerous driving should be severely punished.危险驾驶应受严惩。
  4. The teacher warned them that she would punish anyone who stepped out of line.老师警告他们说谁要不守规矩就罚谁。
  5. She was always reluctant to punish her opponent.她总是不情愿地粗暴对待她的对手。
  1. I have a mind to punish you for stealing a cookie.我有意要处罚你偷饼干。
  2. We wonder whom the teacher is going to punish.我们极想知道老师要处罚谁。


    punish的基本意思是“罚,处罚”,指因践踏法律、违抗权威或一般地做错了事而对其强制的惩罚。引申可指“粗暴地对待,痛打”。punish用于口语中还可指“大量消耗,吃光”。 punish多用于及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。常用于被动结构。 punish后接介词for,表示处罚的原因,接with或by表示处罚的方式或手段。


  1. 他因驾车超速而被罚。

    He was punished with speeding.

    He was punished for speeding.

    表示“因…受罚”用punish for,而punish with表示“用…来惩罚”。