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2024-02-03 01:49:16
美[pʌŋkɪ]  英[pʌŋkɪ]
adj.  含火绒(或朽木)的;松软的;有弹性的;闷烧的


  1. minute two-winged insect that sucks the blood of mammals and birds and other insects


  1. True Autumn.CAN?...Punky In My life!!! 真的很老。。我想养个藏獒。。
  2. Canny Punky is a young canary who lives happily at Rainbow Forest. 金山直译)精明的Punky是一只快乐地在彩虹森林居住的年轻金丝雀。
  3. Follow a day in the life of Punky Mo, the notorious banana thief who cant help but steal King Bings bananas! 协助声名狼藉的香蕉大盗Punky Mo逃出监狱,并且随他走出森林寻找更多香蕉。
  4. In the county of Somerset in southwest England this is traditionally called Punky Night. 把它们中间挖空,做出鬼脸的模样,内置蜡烛。
  5. If Canny Punky wins, he will remain in his home forest, but if he loses then will be exiled for life! 如果精明的Punky赢,他将会保持在他的家森林中,但是如果他然后失去将会被为生活放逐!
  6. LET GO OF MY BANANA is an exciting action-packed game that follows a day in the life of Punky Mo, the notorious banana thief who just cant help but steal King Bings bananas! 放开我的香蕉是一个令人激动的动作类游戏,臭名昭著的香蕉窃贼可以偷任何东西只是不能偷国王的香蕉!