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2024-02-03 02:11:17
美[pjuːpɪlɪdʒ]  英[pjuːpɪlɪdʒ]
n.  学生时期(幼年时代)


  1. This course is compulsory for barristers, either during pupillage or within the first 3 years of practice. 本课程为执业律师的必修课,针对律师学员和执业未满3年的律师。
  2. Provided that the period of pupillage required to be served shall not be less than 3 months. 但所规定的实习大律师实习期不得少于3个月。
  3. In order to practise, however, he or she must undertake pupillage for a further six months, during which time he or she has a limited right to practice. 不过,如要执业,该人必须完成另外六个月的实习期,而在这六个月内,他有权在限定范围内执业。