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2024-02-03 02:32:16
美[pjʊr]  英[pjʊə(r)]
adj.  纯的;纯洁的;纯粹的
  副词:purely  比较级:purer  最高级:purest  名词:pureness


  1. 纯粹的
  2. 完全的
  3. 纯的;纯正的
  4. 纯理论的;抽象的
  5. 纯种的,血统纯的
  6. 贞洁的;清白的
  7. 纯净的;干净的;无垢的
  8. 十足的,道地的
  9. 不含有害物质的
  10. 纯真的,无邪的
  11. 正派的
  12. 清晰的
  13. 【语音学】单纯音的,单元音的
  14. 【逻辑学】(命题或三段论)纯粹的,非模态的
  1. 绝对地,完全地
  1. 纯真的人
  1. 纯,净化


  1. 纯的,纯净的,纯粹的 not mixed with any other substance
  2. 血统纯的,纯种的 of unmixed origin or race
  3. 无邪的,清白的,有操守的,贞洁的 without evil or sin, especially sexual sin; virtuous, chaste
  4. [A]单纯的,仅仅的,完全的 nothing but; mere or sheer
  5. 纯音的,纯正的,清晰的 clear and unwavering
  6. [A]纯理论的,非实用的 dealing with or studied for the sake of theory only; without practical application


  1. free of extraneous elements of any kind;

    "pure air and water" "pure gold" "pure primary colors" "the violins pure and lovely song" "pure tones" "pure oxygen"

  2. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;

    "an arrant fool" "a complete coward" "a consummate fool" "a double-dyed villain" "gross negligence" "a perfect idiot" "pure folly" "what a sodding mess" "stark staring mad" "a thoroughgoing villain" "utter nonsense" "the unadulterated truth"

  3. (of color) being chromatically pure; not diluted with white or grey or black
  4. free from discordant qualities
  5. concerned with theory and data rather than practice; opposed to applied;

    "pure science"

  6. (used of persons or behaviors) having no faults; sinless;

    "I felt pure and sweet as a new baby" "pure as the driven snow"

  7. in a state of sexual virginity;

    "pure and vestal modesty" "a spinster or virgin lady" "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal"


  1. pure accident纯属意外事故
  2. pure air纯净的空气
  3. pure blue纯蓝
  4. pure chance纯属偶然
  5. pure coincidence纯属偶然
  6. pure drinking water纯净水
  7. pure English纯正的英语
  8. pure girl纯洁的女孩
  9. pure gold纯金
  10. pure Indian纯种印第安人
  11. pure invention纯属捏造
  12. pure luck纯属偶然
  13. pure nonsense十足的胡说八道
  14. pure oxygen纯氧
  15. pure research纯理论研究
  16. pure science理论科学
  17. pure silver纯银
  18. pure wool纯羊毛
  1. absolutely pure绝对纯洁
  1. pure from没有…的
  2. a heart pure from evil善良的心
  3. pure in heart心灵纯洁
  4. pure of没有…的
  5. pure of evil毫无杂念
  6. pure of heart心灵纯洁


  1. Water can be made pure by distilling it.水可以通过蒸馏而提纯。
  2. They are all made of one-hundred percent pure silk.它们都是用100%的纯丝绸做成的。
  3. Life is a sweet thing for one who has a pure conscience.对于善良纯洁的人来说,生活是一件美好的事情。
  4. The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.她的眼神依旧清纯,仿佛水晶般纤尘不染。
  5. Its pure nonsense.那是一派胡言。
  6. They met each other by pure accident.他们相见纯属偶然。


    pure的基本意思是“纯的,纯净的,纯粹的”,指某物不混有任何其他物质,或指具有某一种族或种类的纯正的血统,即“血统纯正的,纯种的”。也可指人“单纯的,清白的,有操守的”或指某人做某事的动机是单一的,即“仅仅的,完全的”。pure还可指某人的嗓音“纯正的”或某事是“纯理论的,非实用的”。 pure在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语,可用来修饰具体的事物,也可以修饰抽象的事物。用作表语时,其后可接介词短语。 pure and simple通常用作后置定语,意为“纯粹的,十足的”。