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2024-02-03 03:45:17
美[pəsjuːəbl]  英[pəsjuːəbl]
adj.  可追赶的(可实行的;可继续进行的)


  1. In all,1467 cases were classified as Withdrawn or Not Pursuable,representing 48.8 per cent of the total. 在所有投诉中,有1467宗(占总数的48.;8%25)被撤回或不能作进一步调查。
  2. By careful investigation, the authors and their lives, circulation of these works, are still pursuable. 通过认真考证,其中9部著作的著录及流传情况、作者的生平事迹,尚有迹可循。
  3. In all, 1467 cases were classified as Withdrawn or Not Pursuable, representing 48.8 per cent of the total. 在所有投诉中,有1467宗(占总数的48.;8%25)被撤回或不能作进一步调查。
  4. Wih our prsis pursu for prouc qualiy a sric maufacurig procss corol, w hav vlop io o of h rprsaiv maufacurs i his iusry i Chia. 今天,我们的产品已被中国数以千计的日化厂商广泛采用,品质和服务让我们的客户最终满意。道明公司一贯注重拓展国际化业务。
  5. pursuable anonymous corruption report 可追查的匿名贪污举报