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2024-02-03 04:16:17
美[pʊʃpɪn]  英[pʊʃpɪn]
n.  图钉


  1. a tack for attaching papers to a bulletin board or drawing board


  1. Likewise, if he picked X over Y, a colonoscopy over an enema, pushpin over poetry, his choice should be respected. 同样的,假如他选择了X放弃了Y,选择了结肠镜检查放弃了灌肠,选择了彩头图钉放弃了诗歌,他的选择应该得到尊重。
  2. Maybe we should go international. -FedEx has been in China for over 20 years. -Bill, put a pushpin in China. 或许我们应该转向国际市场。-联邦快递已经在中国运营了20多年。-比尔,在中国上放一个图钉。
  3. My departure crowd, pull the foot that has Liu Hong, a glistening pushpin is laughing. 我分开人群,扳起刘洪的脚,鞋底上一个亮晶晶的图钉在笑。
  4. Nose lip channel is crooked: Greet sweet, with straight thrust of pushpin intradermal needling, adhesive plaster is fixed. 鼻唇沟歪:迎香,用图钉型皮内针直刺,胶布固定。
  5. No need to refresh full map. * Enables you to change pushpin icons on the fly. * Optimized to give you best performance. i.e. 于是作者写了这个控件,可以让大家更集中于服务端的功能。