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2024-02-03 04:19:17
美[ˌpjuːsələnɪmətɪ]  英[ˌpjuːsɪlənɪmɪtɪ]
n.  无气力;胆怯


  1. contemptible fearfulness


  1. But for the EU to go ahead with new “partnership” talks now would send a message of astounding pusillanimity. 不过欧盟准备以新伙伴关系为内容的会晤将会散布出怯懦的信息。
  2. Some reckon its failure to unearth masses of new information is down to a mix of mendacious reticence on the part of key witnesses and the pusillanimity of their inquisitors. 一些人承认,没能发现大量的新信息是由于关键证人的虚假的沉默和审判者的胆怯。
  3. In practice, far from promoting reforms, the euro has offered weak governments like Italys protection against capital markets that might otherwise have punished their pusillanimity. 而实际上,欧元区不仅促进改革,还使像意大利这样软弱的政府免于因为无能而在资本市场上受挫。
  4. Reversed:Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity; 虚弱,懦弱,简单。
  5. despondence, despondency, despair, desperation, pusillanimity, depression 沮丧。气馁。失望。绝望。失去勇气。
  6. 9I waited for him that hath saved me from pusillanimity of spirit, and a storm. 因为你救我脱离了一切灾难,使我亲眼看见我的仇敌溃散。