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2024-02-03 04:48:17
美[pjuːtrɪfaɪ]  英[pjuːtrɪfaɪ]
v.  使腐烂
  过去式:puttrefied  过去分词:puttrefied  现在分词:puttrefying  第三人称单数:puttrefies


  1. become putrid; decay with an offensive smell;

    "organic matter putrefies"


  1. They will notputrefy but rather ferment. 它们虽没有变腐但的确发酵了。
  2. They will not putrefy but rather ferment. 它们虽没有变腐但的确发酵了。
  3. And those cheeses that we like so well are made from milk that has stood long enough to putrefy. 那些深受我们喜爱的奶酪是牛奶长时间存放,腐败后制成的。
  4. Likewise glorious gifts and foundations are like sacrifices without salt and but the painted sepulchres of alms which soon will putrefy and corrupt inwardly. 同样,荣耀的馈赠与捐献就像是没有放盐的祭品,只不过是经过油漆的墓穴,里边的东西很快就会腐朽糜烂。
  5. When on an avenue, only then your sells the soy sauce the non-staple food product shop, your soy sauce will putrefy also in the same old way some people to buy, you will not go broke and close down. 当一条大街上,只有你一家卖酱油的副食品店,你的酱油就是发霉了也照样会有人买,你也不会关门大吉。
  6. and maketh wounds to putrefy that are made with Arrows by Archers. 他是一位强大的侯爵,以身穿绿色铠甲的射手现身,并带着弓和箭袋。